第 77 课: I'll tell him. 我会转告他

Yi-jun: There's a marching band! I always wanted to be a baton twirler. 有一支军乐队!我一直想要当一个耍指挥棒的指挥。

Taylor: Their banner says they're from Austin High School. 他们的旗帜上说他们是奥斯汀高中的。

Yi-jun: They must be so hot in those uniforms! 他们穿身制服一定超热!

Taylor: Not as hot as all those guys dressed in the school mascot costumes. 绝对比不上那些穿学校吉祥物服装的人热。

Yi-jun: Hey, the people on the floats are throwing candy. Why aren't we getting any? 嘿,那辆花车上的人在丢糖果。我们为何一颗糖都没拿到?

Taylor: The candy's for kids, not grownups. 这些糖果是给小孩子的,不是给大人。

Yi-jun: [Looking around] Maybe we can borrow someone's kid for a while... (看向四周)或许我们可以借别人的小孩子一下下……

Jack: Hi, Sally. I'm afraid I can't make it to the office to clock out. 嗨,莎莉。我恐怕无法回公司打卡下班。

Sally: Where are you? 你在哪?

Jack: I'm still in Changhua. This meeting took longer than expected. 我还在彰化。这个会议比预期来得长。

Sally: Did you have any luck selling our product? 我们的产品销售顺利吗?

Jack: Yes! This company wants to order five thousand pieces. 顺利!这间公司要订五千个。

Sally: That's great news. I'll tell the general manager. 真是好消息。我会告诉总经理。

Jack: Also, make sure the office manager knows I won't be in to punch my card. 还有,别忘了告诉部门经理我不会回去打卡。

Sally: I'll tell him. 我会转告他。