第 87 课: I think I'm going to cry! 我想我快哭了

Yi-jun: I think I'm going to cry! 我想我快哭了!

Gimi: Why? What's wrong? 为什么?怎么了?

Yi-jun: This is the last time we're all going to be together. 这是我们最后一次大家聚在一起。

Gimi: Don't think like that, Yi-jun. We'll get together for reunions all the time. 别那样想,怡君。我们随时都可以在同学会相聚的。

Yi-jun: OK, know what I'm gonna do to stop myself from crying? [picks up a water balloon] 好吧,知道我要如何让自己不哭吗?(拿起一个水球)

Gimi: I'll have you know, if you throw that, this means war! 告诉你,如果你敢丢,就代表大战开始了!

Yi-jun: Take that! [throws balloon] 接招吧!(丢水球)

Taylor: Holly, aren't you going to change out of your graduation dress? 荷莉,你还不快把毕业服换掉?

Holly: I can't. I'm going to lunch with my family. 不行。我要去跟我家人吃午餐。
Taylor: But you're going to miss the party at Washington Square Park. 但你会错过在华盛顿广场公园的派对。

Holly: I'll go there after. I have a can of shaving cream with your name written all over it. 我之后就会去。我有一罐专为你准备的刮胡膏。

Taylor: Hah, I'm so scared. Here's your yearbook back. You're doing Project Graduation tonight, right? 哈,我好怕喔。你的毕业纪念册还你。你今晚会参加毕业狂欢活吧?

Holly: Wouldn't miss it for the world. We're going to dance until dawn! 绝对不会错过的。我们要跳舞跳到天亮!