第 90 课: I'm afraid she probably will. 恐怕她或许会

Yi-jun: Want one, you goofball? I can't believe you brought flowers to a cookout! 你这疯子,要来一罐吗?真不敢相信你带花来参加野餐!

Gimi: Oh, is that not OK? I mean, will Holly think I'm weird for giving her flowers here? 喔,那样不好吗?我是说,荷莉会觉得我在这送花给她很怪吗?

Yi-jun: I'm afraid she probably will. 恐怕她或许会。

Gimi: [Trying to give flowers to Yi-jun] Here, hide them for me! (想把花给怡君)拿去,帮我藏起来!

Yi-jun: Too late. Holly's on her way over now. 太迟了。荷莉现在正走过来啦。

Gimi: Aw, man...[loudly] So, Yi-jun, your brother wanted me to give you these as a late graduation gift. [laughs nervously] 噢,天啊……(大声说)怡君,你哥要我给你这份迟来的毕业礼物。(紧张地笑)

Holly: That was nice of you to bring those flowers from Yi-jun's brother. 你人真好,帮怡君哥哥带花来。

Gimi: Uh, hah, yeah...what are friends for. So...have you noticed that the streets are decked out in red, white, and blue? 嗯,哈,对呀……朋友就是这样子。那么……你有注意到街上装饰着红、白、蓝吗?

Holly: [A little shy] Oh, yeah. A lot of presidential candidates are starting their campaigns for next year this weekend. (有点害羞)喔,对呀。这周末,很多明年的总统候选人开始他们的竞选活动。

Gimi: I'm confused. I thought this was Labor Day weekend? 我搞不懂。我还以为这是劳动节的周末?

Holly: Yeah, but it's a good time to campaign. You know, people are back from summer vacation and getting back to work. 对呀,但是这也是竞选的好时机。人们都度完暑假回来要去工作了。

Gimi: Labor Day in Taiwan is in May, not September. I don't even think we get the day off. 台湾的劳动节是在五月,不是九月。我甚至不认为劳动节我们有放假。

Holly: Really? That's terrible! Did you know the first Labor Day parade was held here in New York City? 真的?那真糟!你知道第一次劳动节游行是在纽约市这里办的吗?

Gimi: Man, you really know your holidays. I knew you were smart the moment I saw you. 哇,你真的很清楚你们的节日。我看到你那刻就知道你很聪明了。

Holly: Ow, there's something in my eye. [blinking] Um, Americans marched for the eight-hour workday on Labor Day, too. 喔,有东西跑到我眼睛里了。(眨眼)嗯,美国人当初也在劳动节时为八小时工时示威游行。

Gimi: [Coming closer] Hold still. [holding Holly's face in his hands] I think it's an eyelash. Let me get it for you. (靠过来)别动。(手捧荷莉的脸)我想是因为有根眼睫毛。我来帮你弄出来吧。

Holly: [Embarrassed] Oh, uh, thanks. (尴尬)喔,嗯,多谢。