第 16 课:Television 电视- 3

A: Sure. 当然有了。

B: Hurry, the movie is coming back on. 快点,电影要开演了。

A: What’s on TV tonight? 今晚有什么电视节目?

B: Not much, that new reality-TV show, Ally McBeal, oooo, Dark Angel. 没有很多节目,有那个新写实电视《甜心俏佳人》,哦哦哦,还有《末世黑天使》。

A: Wait a second. I want to watch Ally McBeal. 等等。我想看《甜心俏佳人》。

B: Oh, come on. That’s such a girl’s show. 哦,得了吧,那是小女孩子看的。

A: No it’s not. It’s just funny. 不是呀,很有趣的。

B: Yeah, if you’re a girl. 是有趣,如果你是小女孩的话。

A: Well, you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl. 哦,你不就是因为那个热辣的女孩才看《末世黑天使》的。

B: That’s not true. Dark Angel is a good show. 不是这样。《末世黑天使》可是一部好电视。

A: It’s story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits. 故事情节无非是那个女孩找各种借口着全套装备而已。

B: O.K., O.K. Let’s forget it. There’s a football game on too. 好了好了,不说了。还有足球赛可以看。

A: No way. I’m watching Ally McBeal. Go to John’s to watch the game. 没门。我要看《甜心俏佳人》。要看足球赛去约翰家看吧。

Americans watch a lot of television. Many people, especially doctors and teachers, think they watch too much. 美国人经常收看电视。有很多人,尤其是医生和老师,认为自己收看了较多的电视节目。

There are at least seven to ten free channels in every city, and cable TV offers up to a hundred stations for around $40 dollars a month. 在每个城市,大概最少有7到10个免费的电视频道。有线电视则可以接收近100个电视台,费用为每个月40美元。

Cable TV stations will often only show one thing: movies, news, sports, entertainment news, financial news, there are even stations that show nothing but cooking shows. 有线电视每个台通常只播放某一种节目,如电影、新闻、体育、娱乐新闻、财经新闻,甚至还有一些电视台只播放烹饪节目。

If you get a satellite TV, you can get 300-500 TV stations. If you have time, you can watch every college and professional basketball game in the country. 如果你安装了卫星电视,你便可以接收到300到500个电视台。只要你有时间,你可以收看国内每一所大学的篮球赛或是职业篮球赛。

The effect on children of this much television is especially troubling.如此丰富的电视节目给孩子们也造成了不好的影响。

Teachers complain that students neglect their homework and do not read for pleasure anymore, and doctors note that children who watch too much TV are often not physically fit.老师们抱怨学生不能完成作业,也不会再为了乐趣而阅读。医生们也发现经常看电视的孩子身体状况不佳。