第 22 课:Renting a House 租房- 1

I need to find a new place to live. 我要另找一个地方住。

Prices have really gone up the past couple of years. 过去这几年价钱真是提高不少。

Could I take a look at it? 我可以看看吗?

We just finished rebuilding everything. 我们刚刚将它重新建完。

We’re going to get that done next week. 我们下个星期会做完的。

Why don’t I come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease? 我何不明天顺道来你的办公室签下合约?

You’ve done a great job. 你做得很好。

How long did you want the place? 这个地方你想住多久?

I’m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon. 我不打算近期内搬离这个地方。

You can move your stuff in tomorrow. 你明天可以把你的东西搬过来。

A: I need to find a new place to live.我要另找一个地方住。

B: Yeah? Why? Don’t you like living with me?是吗?为什么?你不喜欢和我一起住吗?

A: Oh, it’s not you. I just want my own place. 哦,不是因为你的缘故。我只是想有自己的私人空间。

B: Well, check the newspaper.好吧,看看报纸上有没有。

A: Jeez…I didn’t realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days.哇呀,我没料到一个单间公寓这些天这么贵。