第 9 课:More American sporting activities 美式体育活动- 2

B: Really? I think we play you guys next week. Well, I have to go to practice. See you later. 真的吗?我想下个星期是我们和你们比赛,好了,我要去练习了。以后见。

A: All right, see you later.好的,再见。

A: Hey, Tom, what to go for a run? 嘿,汤姆,去跑跑步怎么样?

B: No thanks. I like to run in the morning. I ran a couple of miles when I woke up today. 不了,谢谢你。我喜欢在早上跑步。今天起床后我跑了几英里。

A: I try to do that, but I can’t get up early enough. 我也试图这样做,可是起得不够早。

B: I couldn’t either at first, but you get used to it. 一开始我也不行,可是慢慢会习惯的。

A: It’s so hot at lunchtime; I’d rather run in the morning. 中午的时候太热了,我也宁愿早上跑步。

B: Well, why don’t you come tomorrow? I’ll stop by your house on my way out. 那么,你为什么不明天来呢?我出来的时候顺便经过你家。

A: I could try, but I can’t say for sure if I’ll get up in time. What time do you want to go? 我会尽力,但是不能保证一定可以准时起床。你想几点钟去?

B: I’ll give you a call around 6:00 and stop by around 6:30. 六点的时候我给你打个电话,大约6点半的时候我经过你这儿。

A: O.K., maybe if I have someone to go with, I’ll be able to get up in time for a jog. 好的,或许如果有个伴的话,我可以按时起床跑跑步。

B: Great, I’ll see you then. 好的,到时见。

A: See you. 再见。

A: Hey, Susie, what health club do you belong to? 嘿,苏茜,你参加了哪个健身俱乐部?

B: Total Fitness, why? Total健身俱乐部。怎么了?

A: Well, I’ve been going to Athletic Express, but I don’t like it there. 哦,我一直都是去Athletic Express,可是我不喜欢那儿。

B: Really? Why not? I hear it’s pretty good. 是吗?怎么不喜欢?听说很不错哦。