Unit 31 ( exercise - extend )

[an activity or effort for the purpose of improving the body or to stay in good health]
Doctors say a half hour of exercise several times a week can prevent heart attacks.

[(1) to force a person to leave his or her country; (2) to expel; (3) a person who is forced to leave his or her country]
The writer was exiled because his book criticized the government. (1)
The new government exiled the former dictator. (2)
After the fall of the communist government, exiles were able to return home. (3)

[(1) to be; (2) to live]
Many of the documents needed by the court no longer exist. (1)
How long has life existed on Earth? (2)

[(1) to make larger; (2) to grow larger]
The mayor expanded the police force to stop an increase in crimes. (1)
This economy is expanding at a rate of four percent a year. (2)

[(1) to think or believe that something will happen; (2) to wait for an event]
Do you expect an increase in pay this year? (1)
Tom and Mary Ann are expecting a new baby in August. (2)

[(1) to force out; (2) to remove from; (3) to send away]
The dishonest officers were expelled from the military forces. (1)
The students were expelled for bringing alcohol to school. (2)
Some of the exiles were expelled for religious reasons. (3)

[(1) to live through an event, situation or condition ; (2) something that one has done or lived through]
She experienced great pain. (1)
The experience caused her great pain. (2)

[(1) to test; (2) a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false, or to discover something]
The candidate said he experimented with marijuana when he was a student. (1)
The medical experiments showed that the new medicine was not effective against cancer. (2)

[a person with special knowledge or training]
She is an expert on nuclear disarmament.

[(1) to give reasons for; (2) to make clear; (3) to tell about; (4) to tell the meaning]
Linda explained to her father why she wanted a big wedding. (1)
The president explained in detail his plan to send American soldiers to the troubled area. (2)
Wyatt explained the steps he used to solve the budget problem. (3)
Justin was asked to explain the effects of his solution on all sides in the dispute. (4)

[to break apart violently with a loud noise, like a bomb]
The criticism made him explode in anger.

[(1) to travel in a place that is not well known to learn more about it; (2) to make a careful search; (3) to examine closely]
A team led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the land west of the Mississippi River almost two hundred years ago. (1)
The spacecraft explored the solar system to search for signs of life. (2)
The committee explored every possibility before deciding what to do. (3)

[(1) to send to another country; (2) something sent to another country, usually for sale]
The United States has been importing much more from Asia than it exports. (1)
But it expects exports will increase following the approval of full trade relations with China. (2)

[to say clearly]
He expressed his love for her.

[(1) to stretch out in area or length; (2) to continue for a longer time]
The rebels have extended their control over more of the country. (1)
Officials have extended the time that students must be in school each day, from seven hours to eight. (2)