Unit 94 ( violence - waste )

[the use of force to cause injury, death or damage]
She said parents are concerned about violence in the schools.

[to go to or come to a place for a short time for friendly or business reasons]
The President will visit Japan next month.

[the sound made by creatures, especially humans, for speaking]
She has a nice voice for speaking.

[a hill or mountain around a hole in the earth's surface that can explode, sending hot, melted rock and ash into the air]
Many volcanoes are active and could explode suddenly.

[(1) to choose a candidate in an election; (2) a choice or decision expressed by the voice, by hand or by writing]
Americans vote in national elections every two years. (1)
Officials hope to reduce mistakes in votes by replacing old voting systems with new and better ones. (2)

wages [money received for work done]
Jack receives his wages every Friday.

wait [(1) to delay acting; (2) to postpone]
Wait for me. (1)
We will wait until next Tuesday to discuss the problem. (2)

walk [to move by putting one foot in front of the other]
She walks two miles every day.
*one mile = 1.6 kilometers

wall [(1) the side of a room or building formed by wood, stone or other material; (2) a structure sometimes used to separate areas of land]
He has many pictures on his wall. (1)
China built the Great Wall to protect against enemy invasions. (2)

want [(1) to desire; (2) to wish for; (3) to need]
He wants to see her more often. (1)
She wants to win a lot of money in the lottery. (2)
They want to eat now. (3)

war [fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weapons]
The world's last major war, World War II, ended in 1945.

warm [(1) almost hot; (2) having or feeling some heat]
My coffee is warm instead of hot. (1)
She likes to sit outside in the warm sunlight. (2)

warn [(1) to tell of possible danger; (2) to advise or inform about something bad
that may happen]
A weather radio warns of dangerous storms. (1)
The President warned that the country may be entering an economic recession. (2)

wash [to make clean, usually with water]
Tommy says that he will wash the car today.

waste [(1) to spend or use without need or care; (2) to make bad use of; (3) a spending of money, time or effort with no value gained or returned; (4) something thrown away as having no value; (5) the liquid and solid substances that result from body processes and are passed out of the body]
Do not waste your money by buying video games. (1)
He wasted his life by using drugs and alcohol. (2)
Watching television is a waste of time. (3)
Chemical wastes pollute our water supplies. (4)
How do astronauts deal with the problem of wastes from their bodies? (5)