第 101 课:What's it used for? 这是干什么用的?

TONY: A little closer, Mr. Morris. . . Hold that smile, Mr. Tate. Got it. Thank you, gentlemen. And welcome to Stamford, Mr. Tate. I wish you the best in your new job. 再靠近一点儿, 莫里斯先生...... 保持微笑, 泰特先生。好了, 谢谢, 先生们, 欢迎到斯坦福德来, 泰特先生。祝您在新工作中一切顺利!

PHILIP: Thank you so much. 非常感谢。

BEN: I'm glad that's over. 很高兴照完了。

TONY: I need a quote from each of you for the newspaper article. 我想让你们每人说一句话以便引用在报纸的专栏文章上。

BEN: We're proud to have Philip Tate join our museum. 菲利普• 泰勒先生来我们的博物馆工作, 我们很荣幸。

PHILIP: And I'm proud to be working for Ben Morris, the leading expert on Stamford history. . . Do you know how my name is spelled? 能为本.莫里斯先生工作,我感到很荣幸。本.莫里斯先生是研究斯坦福德历史的第一流专...... 你知道我的名字是怎样拼写的吗?

TONY: P-h-i-l-l-i-p T-a-t-e. P-h-i-l-l-i-p T-a-t-e 。

PHILIP: Philip is spelled with one l. Philip 的拼写中只有一个l。

TONY: Oh, right. You know, I'd like to get another photo. 噢, 是这样。嗯, 我想再照一张。

BEN: It's your money. 反正花的是你自己的钱。

PHILIP: Why don't we show Mr. Hunter an Indian object? 我们给亨特先生看一件印第安人的物品吧!

TONY: That's beautiful. . . What's it made of? 太美了...... 这是用什么制的?

PHILIP: It's made of leather. Most Indian pouches are made of leather. 用皮革制的, 大多数印第安烟草袋都是用皮革制的。

TONY: What's it used for? 这是干什么用的?

PHILIP: It's used for tobacco. Of course, there isn't any tobacco in there now. It's
two hundred years old. 装烟草用的。当然现在这里面一点烟草也没有。它已经有两百年的历史了。

BEN: We can use this. 我们可以用这个。

TONY: What is it? 这是什么?

BEN: This is the Stamford Treaty, the most important item in the Morris Museum. 这是斯坦福德条约, 是莫里斯博物馆中最重要的收藏品。