第 104 课:What was that all about? 到底是怎么回事?

TONY: What was that all about? 到底是怎么回事?

DIANA: It's Uncle Ben. He wants me to go over to the museum. 是本叔叔, 他要我去博物馆。

TONY: Now? It's almost midnight. 现在去? 都快午夜了。

DIANA: He was really upset. I have to go. 他的情绪很差, 我得过去。

TONY: I'm going with you. 我与你一起去。

DIANA: Hello? Is anyone here? 喂? 有人吗?

TONY: Maybe he went home. 或许他回家了。

DIANA: And left the lights on? You know he never wastes a penny. 开着灯走了? 你知道他从不浪费一分钱。

TONY: Maybe he went home, Diana. Maybe he left a note for you. . . Why don't we try to call him at home? 或许他回家了, 戴安娜。或许他给你留了...... 为什么我们不给他家打个电话呢?

TONY: What is it? 怎么了?

DIANA: Uncle Ben!. . . Is he dead? 本叔叔!...... 他死了吗?

TONY: I'll call an ambulance. 我打电话叫辆救护车。

OPERATOR: Emergency. 急救中心。

TONY: Yes. I want to report an accident. 是的, 我想报告一起事故。

OPERATOR: What kind of accident, sir? 什么事故, 先生?

TONY: A man was injured. 有人受伤了。

OPERATOR: Where are you? 你们在哪儿?

TONY: I'm at the Morris Museum at 1406 Bedford Street. 在贝德福德街1406 号莫里斯博物馆。

DIANA: Oh, Tony, I think he's dead. 噢, 托尼, 我看他是死了。

TONY: It looks like he was hit on the head. 看起来他被人击中头部了。