第 111 课:Well, here he comes now. 噢, 他来了。

MIKE: So what if he's a few days late? 如果他晚了几天会怎么样呢?

LINDA: Forget it. We don't have much time or much money. 别这么假设。我们没有多少时间和资金。

MIKE: What does Steven say? 史蒂文怎么说的?

LINDA: He says, "Don't worry." You have to help me, Mike. Steven has to go faster. 他说,“ 别着急。” 迈克, 你得帮帮我。史蒂文一定得快点儿。

MIKE: Maybe I can give him a little advice. 也许我能给他点儿建议。

LINDA: Well, here he comes now. 噢, 他来了。

STEVEN: Linda, I changed a few lines in the script. Hi, Mike. The show is going really great, isn't it? 琳达, 我又改动了几行脚本。嗨, 迈克。这部戏进展得还不错, 是不是?

MIKE: Say, Steven, what are you doing for lunch? 对了, 史蒂文, 午饭有什么安排吗?

STEVEN: I don't have any plans. 我没有什么安排。

MIKE: Great. I know a great health-food restaurant. Come on. 太好了。我知道有一家不错的健康食品饭馆。走吧。