第 118 课: Rita, are we ready now? 丽塔, 我们准备好了吗?

RITA: OK, honey. I never used so much makeup on anyone before. Can't anyone give you a hand with those kids? You look so tired. 好了, 亲爱的。我从没给人用过这么多化妆品。没人帮你带带孩子吗? 你看起来太累了。

MARY BETH: I'm fine. Thanks, Rita. There's nothing anyone can do. I just need more sleep. 我还行。谢谢, 丽塔。没人能帮上忙。我只是需要多一点儿睡眠。

RITA: Can your mother or husband get up in the middle of the night with the baby? 你妈妈或你丈夫能半夜起床照料宝宝吗?

MARY BETH: Sometimes it's the only time I'm alone with the baby. Oh, I don't want them to do it. I like to look after her. 有时这是我唯一能跟宝宝单独相处的时候。噢, 我不想让他们来照料宝宝。我喜欢照料她。

RITA: You're really something, Mary Beth. I hope those kids appreciate you. 你真不错,玛丽.贝思。我希望孩子们能感激你。

STEVEN: Rita, are we ready now? 丽塔, 我们准备好了吗?

RITA: Can't you leave us alone for a minute? I'm just trying to make Mary Beth look good, Steven. 难道你不能让我们单独呆一小会儿吗? 我正想使玛丽• 贝思看起来漂亮点, 史蒂文。

STEVEN: Jeff, are you all set? 杰夫, 你都准备好了吗?

JEFF: I'm ready to go when you are, Steven. Uh-oh. 你准备好了我就去, 史蒂文。唉呀!

STEVEN: What's wrong? 出什么事了?

JEFF: A prop is missing. The shot of Philip isn't in here. 丢了一件道具。菲利普的照片不在这里。

STEVEN: Oh, no. Rita, where's the photo of Philip and Ben? 噢, 天。丽塔, 菲利普和本的合影在哪儿?

RITA: I put all the pictures there. 我把照片都放在那儿了。

STEVEN: Where is it? 哪儿?

RITA: Someone has it. I put all the pictures there this morning. 有人拿走了。今天早上我把所有的照片都放在那儿了。