STEVEN: I'm sure no one took it, Rita. Why don't you look in the prop room? 我肯定没人拿它, 丽塔。你为什么不去看看道具间呢?
RITA: Something always goes wrong. : 总要出点差错。
STEVEN: Nothing is easy. 没有一帆风顺的事。
RITA: Here it is. I moved it when I made up Mary Beth. I'm sorry. 儿呢。我给玛丽.贝思化妆时把照片挪了个地儿。对不起。
STEVEN: It's all right. It wasn't anyone's fault. Let's get on with it. OK, everyone? 没关系。不是谁的错。让我们继续吧。大家准备好了吗?
TONY: Diana, I think it's best if we forget about this for a while. Let the detectives do their work. This is upsetting you too much. 戴安娜, 我想我们最好暂时忘了它吧。让侦探来办这事。这事弄得你太难受了。