第 120 课:Look closer, Diana. 再仔细点儿看, 戴安娜。

DIAN A: He didn't say anything? Tony, tell me the truth. 他什么也没说吗? 托尼, 跟我说实话。

TONY: OK. I'm sorry. He said he thinks he saw something in one of the pictures. It may be a clue. 好的。对不起。他说他觉得他在其中一张照片上发现了点儿东西。这可能是个线索。

DIANA: Which pictures? The ones you took of Uncle Ben and Mr. Tate? 哪些照片? 你给本叔叔和泰特先生照的那些照片吗?

TONY: Yes. Do you have a magnifying glass? 是的。你有放大镜吗?

DIANA: Actually, I do. 我还真有。

TONY: We may not find anything. My friend wasn't sure what he saw. 我们也许发现不了什么。我的朋友对他看见的东西也不确信。

DIANA: But he saw something. 但是他看出点什么来了。

TONY: Yes. Here are your uncle and Mr. Tate shaking hands. And look! 是的。这是你叔叔和泰特先生在握手。看这儿!

DIANA: I don't see anything. 我没看见什么。

TONY: There, on Mr. Tate. Something is on his hand. 这里, 泰特先生这儿。他手上有点儿什么。

DIANA: No. Nothing is on his hand. 不, 他手上什么也没有。

TONY: It's something. I'm telling you something is there. 是有点儿东西。我告诉你那儿确实有点儿什么。

DIANA: I don't see anything. 我什么也没看见。

TONY: Look closer, Diana. 再仔细点儿看, 戴安娜。

DIANA: Oh, my gosh! There is something there. Tony, it's a mark. It's ink. 哦, 我的天哪! 这儿是有点儿东西。托尼, 那是个污迹, 是个墨点。

STEVEN: Cut. That's no good. We need a better script. Will someone help me?I need to rewrite this script. 停, 不行。我们需要更好的脚本。谁能帮帮我? 我要重写这段剧本。