第 122 课:Was there any telephone service? 有电话吗?

JEFF: Mom, this is August. I don't need heat. 妈妈, 现在是八月。我还不用暖气。

MRS. BENNETT: Was there any telephone service? 有电话吗?

JEFF: Mom, I have telephone service. 妈妈, 有电话。

MRS. BENNETT: Then why didn't you call me and give me your phone number? 那你为什么不给我来电话, 告诉我你的电话号码?

JEFF: Mom, I'm a grown man now. My first thought wasn't to call my mother. I'm sorry. Anyway, I can give it to you now. The number is 555-2649. 妈妈, 我是个成年人了。我的第一个反应不是给妈妈打电话。对不起。不管怎样, 我现在可以给你号码。号码是555-2649。

MRS. BENNETT: Can you write it down for me? 你能给我写下来吗?

JEFF: Sure. Do you have anything I can write with? 当然。你有写字的东西吗?

MRS. BENNETT: Here's something. 这里有。

JEFF: Do you have anything I can write on? 你有可以写字的纸吗?

MRS. BENNETT: Here. 这里。

MRS. BENNETT: Jeff, are you seeing anyone? 杰夫, 你正在跟谁约会吧?

JEFF: No one I want to talk about, Mom. 妈妈, 我不想谈论任何人。

MRS. BENNETT: You really should settle down with someone. 你真的应该找个人, 稳定下来了。

JEFF: That's what you always tell me. 你总跟我说这样的话。

MRS. BENNETT: Well, it's true. 唉, 这可是实在话。

JEFF: Yep. OK. Gotta go. 是。好的, 我得走了。