第 123 课:OK. Don't forget to call. 好吧。别忘了打电话。

MRS. BENNETT: What? You just wanted to see if there was any mail for you? 什么? 你只是想看看这儿有没有你的邮件?

JEFF: And to say hello. But now I have to say goodbye. 还来问候问候你。但是现在我必须得跟你说再见了。

MRS. BENNETT: OK. Don't forget to call. 好吧。别忘了打电话。

JEFF: Right. 好的。

MRS. BENNETT: Jeff? 杰夫?

JEFF: Yep? 什么事?

MRS. BENNETT: I saw the show last night. 昨晚我看过那部电视剧了。

JEFF: You did? 是吗?

MRS. BENNETT: It was great. I'm really proud of you. 真不错。我真为你骄傲。

JEFF: Even if I'm not a lawyer or a doctor or a businessman. 即使我不是律师, 医生或商人?

MRS. BENNETT: Maybe you could marry a lawyer or a doctor. . . Only kidding. We're happy to have you back in Stamford. 也许你能娶个律师或医生...... 开个玩笑。我们很高兴你回到斯坦福德了。

JEFF: Thanks, Mom. I'm beginning to feel better about being here. 谢谢你, 妈妈。我开始对呆在这儿感觉好点儿了。