第 129 课:Thank you, Detective. 谢谢你, 侦探。

DIANA: But Detective Stone, why don't you do something about my uncle's murder? 但是斯通侦探, 你为什么不在我叔叔被杀的案子上拿出点儿行动来?

DETECTIVE STONE: It takes a little time, Miss Morris. I have other cases I'm working on too. 这需要点儿时间, 莫里斯小姐。而且, 我还有其他案子要处理。

TONY: We don't have much time, Detective Stone. 我们没有多少时间了, 斯通侦探。

DETECTIVE STONE: Believe me, I'm doing everything I can. 相信我, 我正在做我能做的一切。

DIANA: Thank you, Detective. 谢谢你, 侦探。

DETECTIVE STONE: Goodbye, Miss Morris. Mr. Hunter. 再见, 莫里斯小姐, 亨特先生。

DIANA: Goodbye. 再见。

TONY: You look upset. Why don't we sit down? 你看起来有点不安。我们何不坐一会儿呢?

DIANA: Let's not sit down. Let's do something. 别坐了, 咱们还是先做点儿什么吧。

TONY: Why don't we go over the facts? Maybe we can help solve the murder. 为什么我们不回想一下当时的情况? 也许我们对破这个谋杀案能有所帮助。

DIANA: All right. 好的。

TONY: Let's think back to the night of the murder. Remember? Your uncle called. . . 我们来回忆一下谋杀案发生当晚的事情。还记得吗? 你叔叔当时打电话......

DIANA: Hello? 喂?

BEN: Diana, I-I have to talk to you. 戴安娜, 我.......我得跟你谈一谈。

DIANA: Uncle Ben? What is it? 本叔叔? 什么事?

BEN: I have to show someone. I know you'll understand. 我必须把这个东西给谁看看。我想你会明白的。

DIANA: Show me what? What's going on? 给我看什么? 发生什么事了?