第 131 课:How old is it? 它有多久的历史了?

TONY: These couldn't be the clue, could they? What are these, anyway? 这些不会是线索吧, 是不是? 它们到底是什么?

DIANA: They're the oldest documents in Stamford. 它们是斯坦福德历史最久远的公文。

TONY: I remember this. It's the Stamford Treaty. Ben showed it to me. . . 我想起来了。这是斯坦福德条约。本把它给我看过......

BEN: This is the Stamford Treaty, the most important item in the Morris Museum. 这是斯坦福德条约, 莫里斯博物馆最重要的藏品。

TONY: How old is it? 它有多久的历史了?

BEN: Look here. It's dated 1640, and it's signed by two great Indians. All the big museums would like to own this, but it's going to stay right here at the Morris Museum is Stamford. . . It's worth a fortune. 瞧这儿。它标记的年代是1640年,是由两名伟大的印第安人签署的。所有的大博物馆都想拥有它,将只呆在斯坦福德的莫里斯博物馆......它值一大笔钱。

TONY: It's worth a fortune. Are all these old documents worth money? 它值一大笔钱。这儿所有的旧公文都值钱吗?

DIANA: Yes. 是的。

TONY: Could this treaty be worth more than the others?A lot more? 这份条约可能比其他的都值钱吧? 多很多吗?

DIANA: Oh, yes. 是的。

TONY: I could be wrong, but I think there's a connection between the Stamford Treaty and the killer. This could be a clue. 也许我是错的, 但我认为斯坦福德条约和凶手之间有联系。这也许是条线索。

DIANA: But what? 但线索是什么呢?

TONY: I'm not sure yet. We could wait for the police. . . or we could work on it ourselves. 我还不太清楚。我们可以等警察来...... 或者我们可以自己解开这个谜。