第 135 课:OK. I'll get my calendar. 好的。我去拿我的工作日志。

RITA: When will we start on the new show ? 我们什么时候开始这部新戏?

LINDA: We'll start next week - if I can find the script. I'll be with you in a minute,Rita. 如果我能找到脚本的话, 我们将在下周开始。我马上就去找你, 丽塔。

LINDA: Hello. . . Jeff Bennett? . . . No, I'm sorry. He isn't here right now. . . Oh, I see. . . Well, maybe he's on the set. . . I'll ask him to call you right away. What's your number? . . . Just a minute, please. . . OK. I have a pen. . . 555-9247. . . All right, Mrs. Bennett. Everything will be all right. . . I'll give him the message. . . Good luck. . . Bye.喂. 杰夫. 琳纳特?...不是, 抱歉, 他现在不在这儿...噢, 我明白了.. 嗯, 或许他在直播台那儿.我会让他立即给您回电话的。 您的电话号码是什么?... 请等一会儿...好。我拿到笔了.555-9427. 好的, 班纳特夫人。一切都会好的... 我会告诉他的... 祝您好运. 再见。

RITA: What's wrong? 怎么了?

LINDA: That was Jeff's mom. His dad is in the hospital. 是杰夫的妈妈, 他的父亲住院了。

RITA: Oh, no. 噢, 天哪。

LINDA: He had a heart attack. Could you tell Jeff to call his mother right away? He's on the set. Here's the number. 他心脏病发作了。你能告诉杰夫立即给他妈妈打电话吗? 他在直播台, 这是她的电话号码。

STEVEN: Let's begin. Jeff, you'll enter from the door. 杰夫, 我们开始吧。你从那个门进来。

JEFF: Steven, before we start, could you give me the schedule for next week? 史蒂文,在我们开始前, 你能给我下周的时间表吗?

STEVEN: OK. I'll get my calendar. 好的。我去拿我的工作日志。

STEVEN: Tomorrow we'll shoot the next scene. . . and. . . we'll finish this show the day after tomorrow. 明天我们拍下一幕. 然后... 我们将在后天完成这一集。

JEFF: Only twelve more to go. 只剩下十二集要拍了。

STEVEN: Then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days. He'll need the whole studio, and we won't rehearse for a week. 迈克几天后将在演播室拍一部新闻片。他需要整个演播室场地, 这样一来, 有一个星期我们都不会再排练了。

JEFF: I'll have some time off, and Mary Beth will have some time with her kids. 我将有时间休息了, 玛丽.贝思将有时间陪陪她的孩子了。