DIANA: Detective Stone, we solved the murder. 斯通侦探, 我们破了这个谋杀案了。
DETECTIVE STONE: You what? 你们什么?
DIANA: We solved my uncle's murder. 我们破了我叔叔被谋杀的案子了。
DETECTIVE STONE: That's police work. Why did you do that? 这是警察的事。你们为什么这样做?
DIANA: We were trying to help. 我们只是想帮点忙。
DETECTIVE STONE: You didn't have to stick your nose into police business. 你不要干涉警察的事。
DIANA: Somebody had to work on it. You weren't doing it. 可是总得有人做这件事, 而你们一直没有着手这件事。
DETECTIVE STONE: I was working on other cases. I had to finish those first. 我正在忙其它的案子。我必须先完成那些案子。
DIANA: Detective Stone, we found a new clue. We think it's important. 斯通侦探, 我们又找到了一条线索。我们认为这条线索很重要。
DETECTIVE STONE: What is it? 什么线索?
DIANA: We can show it to you at the museum. Can you meet us there? 我们可以在博物馆给你看。你能去那儿与我们见面吗?
DETECTIVE STONE: Now? . . . I have to go to court. I'll meet you at the museum in an hour. 现在?...... 我得去法庭。一小时后我在博物馆见你们。
DIANA: All right. I'll see you then. 好吧, 回头见。
TONY: Will he meet us? 他会去找我们吗?
DIANA: Uh-huh. At the museum. He had to go to court first. He makes me mad. 嗯。在博物馆。他得先去法庭。他都要让我发疯了。
TONY: Look, Diana. He didn't have to talk to us tonight. He didn't have to agree to meet us. I think he's doing all he can. 哎, 戴安娜。他不必今晚与我们谈。他与不必同意和我们见面, 我想他正尽他所能去破案。