Jake: James Brady and Abbott Larkin are meeting in secret. 詹姆斯.布朗与阿伯特.拉金在秘密会面,
They're making a deal, and I think it's an important story. I want an interview with Larkin. 他们正在做交易。我想这是重要的新闻, 我想对拉金做个采访。
Steven: Why? 为什么?
Jake: Larkin's company is losing money now. Larkin needs more customers. I think he's selling his company to James Brady. That's why he's here now. 拉金的公司现在正在亏损, 拉金需要更多的顾客, 我想他打算将他的公司卖给詹姆斯.布朗迪, 这就是他现在在这儿的原因。
Steven: NIT is buying Larkin's company? I like that story. NIT 正在收购拉金的公司? 我喜欢那个题材。
Jake: Do you realize it's one of the biggest mergers in history? 你意识到这是历史上最大的并够了吗?
Steven: I love it! 太棒了!
Jake: What's Mike doing now? 迈克现在在做什么?
Steven: He's busy. He's lighting the new set now. He needs more time to finish. 他很忙, 他正在给新的背景装灯光设备, 他还得一段时间才能干完。
Jake: This is more important, Steven. 这件事更重要, 史蒂文。
Steven: OK. I want you to go to the hotel right now. Find Larkin. I'll send Mike with a camera. Mike, I need you. 好, 我要你现在就去宾馆找到拉金, 我会派迈克带着摄像机去的。迈克, 我需要你。
Mike: What's up? 什么事?
Steven: Jake's going to the Stamford Hotel. I want you to follow him with a camera. Hurry. 杰克要去斯坦福德宾馆, 我希望你带着摄像机与他一起去, 快点。
Mike: I hate to leave now, Steven. I'm lighting the new set. 我现在不想走, 史蒂文, 我正在安装灯光设备。