第 182 课:Who brings the coffee to you? 谁给你送咖啡?

Steven: Are you ready to go? 你准备走了吗?

Mike: Almost. 差不多了。

Steven: I'm glad you're directing this story, Mike. 我非常高兴你能够导演这个节目, 迈克。

Mike: I'm glad to help, Steven. . . I have a question on page 3. 非常高兴能帮你, 史蒂文......在第三页我有个问题。

Steven: Let me see. 让我看一下。

Mike: Will Jake pour the coffee for me, or do I need someone else? 是杰克为我倒咖啡,还是让其他人为我倒?

Steven: Let's see. . . Someone pours coffee. Then we see Jake. . . I don't know. Let's ask Jake. 我们来想想......有人倒咖啡。然后我们看到了杰......我不知道, 我们问一问杰克吧。

Mike: What about the sodas? Doesn't she pour five sodas for us at once? 苏打水呢? 她不是一次给我们倒5 杯吗? |

Steven: Here, on the next page. I'll be right back. 这儿, 在下一页上。我马上回来。

Mike: Jake, what's this story about? 杰克, 这是什么题材的节目?

Jake: Fast food. Most Americans visit a fast-food restaurant once a week. They serve inexpensive food to people. They serve it quickly in a clean little restaurant. People like it. 是有关快餐的。大部分美国人都要每周光顾一次快餐店, 快餐店给人们提供不太昂贵的食物。快餐店服务非常快, 店小而整洁, 所以人们喜欢去。

Mike: Why do we shoot pictures of pouring and serving? 我们为什么拍倒水和服务的镜头?

Jake: This part of the story is on why fast-food restaurants are efficient. 节目的这部分是反映快餐店为什么效率高的。

Mike: What happens on page 3? 第三页写什么?

Jake: OK. I order a soda and a hamburger for myself. Then another person gets coffee for me. 嗯, 我为自己点了一杯苏打和一个汉堡包, 然后另外一人给我拿了杯咖啡。

Mike: Who brings the coffee to you? 谁给你送咖啡?