Jake: No one. They give it to me at the counter. But that doesn't matter. I need some good pictures for narration. Find some good pictures for me. 没有人给我送去, 他们在柜台上给我。这没什么关系。我需要一些叙述时用的好镜头。给我找一些好镜头。
Mike: So you don't need to be there? 那你不必去那儿了?
Jake: I'll read an introduction. Then you and the cameraperson shoot some great pictures. Look for great close-ups. Find some good pictures for me. 我要读一篇介绍。你和摄影师一起去拍些好镜头, 找一些大特写拍下来。请给我找一些好镜头。
Cashier : May I have your order? 您来点儿什么?
Customer: Yeah. Could I have two cheeseburgers? 嗯, 我要两个奶酪汉堡。