第 209 课:The doctor isn't sure. 医生不太确定。

Maria : Just fine, Steven. How've you been doing? 很好, 史蒂文, 你干得怎么样?

Steven: Just great. I've been working hard. Everyone has been doing a great job. Oh, Kathy hasn't been feeling well. 很好, 我一直工作很忙。大家都干得很好。噢, 凯西一直不太舒服。

Maria : Oh, that's too bad. What's wrong? 噢, 太糟糕了, 怎么啦?

Steven: The doctor isn't sure. 医生不太确定。

Maria : Has she been at work? 她还在工作吗?

Steven: No. She's been resting at home. The doctor wants her to stay in bed for two weeks or more. I hired Patricia Woo to take her place yesterday. 不, 她在家休息, 医生让她卧床休息两周以上, 我昨天雇了帕特里夏. 吴来接替她的工作。

Maria : Who's Patricia Woo? How much experience has she had in television?帕特里夏. 吴是谁? 她在电视台有多少工作经验?

Steven: She hasn't worked at a television station before, but she was a reporter at a newspaper ast year. 她以前从没有电视台工作过, 但她去年做过报社新闻记者。

Maria : Did you talk to Greg Older or Thomas Jones ? 你同格来格顿或托马斯.琼斯谈过了吗?

Steven: Yes. I talked to Greg Olden and I talked to Thomas Jones too. They haven't worked at a television station either. 是的, 我同格来格. 顿谈过了, 我也同托马斯. 琼斯谈过了。他们也都没有在电视台工作过。

Maria : Why do you want to hire Patricia? 你为什么要雇帕特里夏?

Steven: She has had experience as a reporter, but Greg and Thomas haven't. 她有当记者的经历, 而格来格和托马斯则没有。

Maria : She sounds good. I'll talk to her when I get back. Is everything else all right? 听起来她不错。我回来后要同她谈一下, 其他事情都好吗?

Steven: Connie has been working on a story on employment agencies. She's still working on it. Jake has been working on an archaeology story. 康妮一直在搞一个关于职业介绍所的新闻节目, 她还在做这个。杰克正在做一个关于考古的新闻节目。

Maria : It sounds like you've been doing fine, Steven. I'll call again in a few days . 史蒂文, 听起来你们干得不错, 过几天我再打电话。

Steven: Bye, Maria. Have fun. . . Oh, Maria. . . . Maria? I almost forgot. Sam Finch called. 再见, 玛丽亚。玩得开心...... 噢, 玛丽. 玛丽亚? 我差儿忘了, 山姆. 芬奇打过电话。

Maria : That's OK, Steven. Sam found me. 知道了, 史蒂文, 山姆找到我了。

Steven: That's good. See you later. 那太好了, 再见。