第 211 课:Do you want me to come with you? 需要我和你一起去吗?

Connie : Do you want me to come with you? 需要我和你一起去吗?

Steven: No. Stay here. I'll call you. 不用。你呆在这儿吧, 我会给你打电话。

Connie : Good luck, Steven. 祝你好运, 史蒂文。

Mike: Has anybody heard from Steven? 谁有史蒂文的消息吗?

Jake: These pictures are excellent, Mike. We got them from the Stamford Museum. 这些镜头非常棒, 迈克。这是我们从斯坦福德博物馆搞到的。

Mike: What's the story about? 这个新闻节目是关于哪方面的?

Jake: It's about archaeology. Look. 考古方面的, 你看。

Mike: Wow! Look at that! 哇, 看那。

Jake: This is the Mediterranean coast where King Herod built a city. 这是地中海海岸, 在这里希律国王曾建了一个城市。

Mike: King Herod. From the Bible ? 希律国王。圣经上的?

Jake: Yes. . . And every year, people from all over the world come to dig here. This was a big city a long time ago. 是的..... 每年从世界各地来的人都到这里挖东西。从前这里有座大城市。

Mike: What do they look for? 他们在找什么?

Jake: Anything. They might find statues, temples, coins, pottery. Who knows? 任何东西。他们可能发现雕像, 神庙, 硬币, 陶器。谁知道呢?

Mike: Do they find anything? 他们找到了什么吗?