第 232 课:Oh, look! I'm homesick already. 哦, 快看, 我都开始想家了。

Mike: I have some nice pictures here to show you. 我有些精彩的片子给你看。

Connie : What's wrong? Is it the TV or the video camera? 怎么了? 是电视机出毛病了还是摄影机有问题?

Mike: Maybe I forgot to put film in the camera. 可能我忘了往摄影机里放带子。

Connie : Mike, you'd never make a mistake like that. 迈克, 你从未犯过这样的错误了。

Mike: There's always a first time. . . Ah! Here's the problem. 总有第一次...... 啊, 问题找到了。

Connie : Oh, look! I'm homesick already. 哦, 快看, 我都开始想家了。

Mike: Tell me, Connie, how was it, growing up on a farm? Was it fun? 告诉我, 康妮, 在农场长大是什么感觉? 有趣吗?

Connie : Fun? Mostly it was a lot of work. Our days started very early. My mother made breakfast before the sun came up. 有趣? 大部分时候都得干活。我们每天起得很早。妈妈在天亮之前就把早饭做好了。

My brother and sister and I always did chores before we left for school. 哥哥、姐姐和我在去学校前还要做许多家务。

Mike: What chores did you do in the morning? 你们早晨做些什么家务呢?

Connie : We had to make our beds as soon as we got up. We also had to feed the animals. 一起床我们就要把被子叠好, 还得去喂牲口。

Mike: So your mother made breakfast for you, and you made breakfast for the animals? 也就是说你妈妈给你们做早饭而你们给牲口做早饭?

Connie : Right. 对。

Mike: Did your whole family work on the farm? 你们全家都在农场上干活吗?

Connie : Yes. Everyone pitched in. My father did most of the heavy work. He did the plowing. My mother did the housework. She also did the yard work. She took care of the garden. 是的。每个人都得拼命干活。爸爸把大部分重活都包了。他耕地, 妈妈做家务, 打扫院子。她还得照料花园。