第 235 课:Come on. Just a couple of hours. 哎呀, 只要几个小时就够了。

Connie : To do the ironing, they heated an iron over a fire. To make meals, they made a fire inside an iron stove. 要熨衣服的话, 先得在火上把熨斗烧热。做饭也要先在炉子里生火。

The men and the women had to do all their work before sunset. After the sun went down, it was too dark to do farm work or housework. 男人和女人必须在太阳下山前做完所有的工作, 太阳下山后, 天就黑了, 不能再做农活和家务了。

Connie : They used oil lamps. And that's how the children did their homework. They did their compositions with ink pens. 人们晚上点油灯。孩子们也借助油灯写作业。他们用钢笔写作文,

If they made a mistake, they had to do their homework all over again. Life wasn't easy then, was it? Do your family a favor this weekend. 如果写错的话, 就得全部重写一遍。那时的生活不容易, 是吧? 这个周末, 给家里人找点乐趣。

Visit the farm! You don't need to make reservations. You don't need to make an
appointment, just make a phone call to check the opening and closing times. This is
onnie Swift reporting for WEFL. 到农场来玩吧, 你不需要预定, 也不需要预约, 只需打个电话来查一下开门和关门的时间。我是康妮. 斯威夫特。WEFL 为您报道。

Steven: Connie, you did a good job on that farm story. 康妮, 那个农场的新闻做得不错呀。

Connie : I'm making plans to go back to the Center this weekend on my day off. Maybe you and Anne would like to come with me. You can bring the baby. 我正准备趁周末的休息时间到农场去看看。你和安妮也和我一起去, 怎么样? 你们可以把孩子也带上。

Steven: No. The baby isn't old enough to go to the farm. And Anne and I are too busy to go. 去不了, 孩子太小, 去不了农场, 我和安妮也太忙了, 去不成。

Connie : Too busy to take a Saturday afternoon off? 忙得连周六下午都抽不出时间?

Steven: If we go out on Saturday afternoon, when will we do the grocery shopping? When will I do my exercises? 如果周六下午出去玩, 我们什么时候去买东西, 我什么时候锻炼呢?

Connie : Come on. Just a couple of hours. 哎呀, 只要几个小时就够了。

Steven: We also have to make appointments to interview baby-sitters. And when will we make dinner and do the dishes? 我们还得约保姆来见见。再说, 如果去了, 什么时候做饭洗碗呢?

Connie : I'm sorry, Steven. I think you are too busy to take an afternoon off. 真遗憾, 史蒂文。我想你们真是忙得连个下午都抽不出来了。