第 255 课:So would I. 我也是。

Steven: It's a good move for Maria. But I hope the new owner is OK. If we could meet him, I'd feel better. 对玛丽亚来说, 这是一个非常好的变动, 但我希望我们的新老板能好一点儿。如果我们能见到他, 我会感觉好一点。

Jake: So would I. If I met him, I'd try to interview him for a business story. 我也是, 如果我能见到他, 我就要采访他, 并做个商业新闻。

Steven: I'd be very interested in hearing that story. 我对这个新闻节目很感兴趣。

Connie & Mike: So would I! 我也是。

Maria : Sam, they all look so worried. I'd be worried too. 山姆, 他们看起来全都忧心忡忡的, 我也开始担心了。

Sam: So would I. 我也是。

Maria : I hope they feel better after they met the new owner. I wish there was omething I could do. 我希望他们见到新老板后能感觉好一点, 我想我该为他们做点什么。

Sam: Show them this telegram. 把这份电报给他们看看。

Maria : A telegram? I hope it's not bad news. 电报? 希望不是坏消息。

Sam: It's good news. Here, read it. It's from the new owner. It's for the staff of"Hello America. " 是好消息。在这里, 你念一下。这是电视台的新主人发来的, 给“ 你好, 美国” 节目组的一封信。

Maria : " I wish I cold be there to congratulate you. . . "Oh, this is great news. He likes the show and wants to keep it the way it is. “ 我希望我能去那里向大家祝贺......” 哦, 真是好消息, 他喜欢现在的节目, 他想保持现在节目的风格。

If I'm leaving, he hopes that Steven will take my place as producer. Oh, Sam this will make Steven very happy. 如果我离开的话, 他希望史蒂文能代替我做制片人。哦, 山姆, 史蒂文知道了一定很高兴。

Sam: I hope the others will feel better too. 我希望其他人也能感觉好一点。

Maria : So do I. 我也是。

Sam: Let's have a party. 我们来个小小的聚会吧。

Maria : Sam, that's a great idea! I'll wait until the party to tell Steven about his new job. 山姆: 这主意真不错, 我要等到在聚会上再告诉史蒂文他的新工作。