第 256 课:I just got a memo from Maria. 我刚刚看到玛丽亚的便条。

Steven: I just got a memo from Maria. 我刚刚看到玛丽亚的便条。

Mike: So did I. She wants us to be on the set at five thirty. 我也看到了, 她要我们五点半来直播台。

Steven: I wish I knew what this was about. Do you know? 我要是知道是怎么回事就好了? 你知道是什么事吗?

Mike: No, I don't. If I knew, I'd tell you. 不知道, 如果我知道, 我就告诉你了。

Connie : Maybe Maria has news about our new owner. 也许玛丽亚知道一些有关新老板的事。

Mike: I don't know, but I'd be here at five thirty. And I'd be on time if I were you. 我不知道, 不过, 我五点半会到这儿来的。如果我是你们, 我会准时来。

Connie : So would I. 我也会准时来。

Connie : Have you had any luck looking for a new job? 你找到什么好工作没有?

Steven: I had a very good interview at a station last week. I hope a job opens up there soon. They told me to call them again in a few months . 我上个星期去一个电视台面试了, 非常不错。希望那里不久能有工作的机会。他们叫我几个月以后再给他们打电话。

Connie : If they weren't interested in you, they wouldn't say that. I wouldn't give up if I were you. 如果他们对你不感兴趣, 他们就不会这么说了。如果我是你就不会放弃。

Steven: No. I'm not giving up, but I hope I find something soon. See you at five thirty. 我不是放弃, 我只是希望能快点找到份好工作。五点半见。

Connie : For the mystery meeting. 好, 神秘会议见。

Steven: I wish I knew what this meeting was about. I have no idea. 我真希望知道这次会议的内容, 现在一点儿谱都没有。

Connie : Neither do I. 我也是什么都不知道。

Mike: Now everyone's here but Maria. 现在除了玛丽亚每个人都到了。