第 258 课:There's more good news. 还有更多的好消息。

Mike: I hope you'll accept the job, Steven. 我希望你能接受这个工作, 史蒂文。

Connie : So do I! 我也是。

Steven: I will !I will! 我会的! 我会的!

Maria : Congratulations, Steven. 祝贺你, 史蒂文。

Sam: There's more good news. 还有更多的好消息。

Maria : There is? 还有?

Sam: Just before the party began, I got a phone call. "Hello America" won two U. S. A. News Awards. One for Connie's show on education and employment. 就在这个聚会开我接到一个电话,“ 你好, 美国” 节目获得了两项美国新闻大奖。一个是是康妮做的教育和就业新闻。

Sam: And one for Jake for his reports on International Computer. 还有一个是杰克对国际计算机公司的采访。

Maria : Sam, I didn't know. 山姆, 我还不知道呢。

Sam: Good. I hope you're surprised. I wanted you to have a surprise at your own surprise party. 那很好, 我希望你也有个惊喜, 在自己的惊喜聚会上也惊喜一下。

Sam: Here's to the best news show in America. 为美国最好的新闻节目干杯。

Maria : And here's to the best news team. 为美国最好的新闻节目制作小组干杯。

Maria : Connie, you did a lot of good reporting on that show. You should be proud. 康妮, 你为这个节目作了许多精彩的报道, 你应该感到自豪。

Jake: Here's to Connie, the best reporter at WEFL. 为WEFL 最杰出的记者—— 康妮, 干杯。

Connie : Oh, Jake, you're a great reporter. 啊, 杰克, 你也是个非常棒的记者。