第 28 课: No,we have plans. 没有。我们有安排。

Jake: Who with? 和谁?

Carol: Susan. 苏珊。

Jake: Susan?It isn't Susan? 苏珊?不是吧?

Carol: Yes,it is.It's Susan. 有,是她,苏珊。

Jake: But Susan has a business appointment tonight. 但是苏珊今晚有公事。

Carol: No,she dosen't.没有,她没有。

Jake: Yes,she dose. 不,她有。

Carol: She dosen't have a business appointment. 她没有公事?

Jake: Susan does't have a business appointment tonight? 今晚她没有公事?

Carol: No,we have plans. 没有。我们有安排。

Jake: Oh,really? That's interesting. 噢,真的吗?真有意思。

Carol: OK,Jake.See you in the morning. 好吧,杰克,明早见。

Jake: Yeah.好的。