第 32 课: He's very handsome. 他很英俊。

Jake: So, Steven. Who's the host? Is it Susan? Is it John? Or am I the host? 那么, 史帝文, 谁是主播? 是苏珊吗? 是约翰吗? 或者是我?

Susan: Who's the host? 谁是主播?

Steven: It's very hot in here. 这儿很热啊。

Jake: Steven, we don't have a lot of time. 史帝文, 我们时间不多了。

Carol: There are four shows today. There's an interview with a police officer, a cooking show, a lawyer form Tokyo, and we have a TV actor. 我们今天有四个节目。首先是对一个警察的采访, 然后是一个关于烹调节目, 接着是对一个从东京来的律师的采访, 还有就是对一个电视剧演员的采访。

Susan: Who's that? 哪个演员?

Carol: That star of the television show "Square Off". 电视剧《清算》中的明星。

John: What's his name? 他的名字是什么?

Jake: Robert Z. Johnson. 罗伯特.Z. 约翰逊.

Susan: Robert Z. Johnson? That's great. 罗伯特.Z. 约翰逊, 太好了。

Carol: He's very handsome. 他很英俊。

John: This is very interesting. But please, who's the host? 这很有意思。但是, 请问谁是主播?

Steven: Don't you think it's very hot in here? 难道你们不觉得这儿有点儿热吗?