第 36 课:That's not a bad idea. 这个主意不错。

Linda: People like new ideas, John. Jake? 人们喜欢新鲜想法, 约翰。杰克, 你的看法呢?

Jake: I have an idea. The answer is weekends. What do people do on the weekend? 我有个主意。问题的关键就在周末。人们通常在周末做什么?

Linda: Hmm, a weekend report? That's interesting. People often think about the weekend on Thursday and Friday. 嗯。周末报道? 很有意思。人们经常在星期四和星期五就考虑怎么过周末。

Susan: I like it. 我喜欢这个主意。

Linda: But we need action. 但是我们需要行动。

Jake: Right. I have some ideas here. Look at these pictures. 对了。我这儿有一些想法。看看这些照片。

Susan: You sure like sports! 你肯定很喜欢运动!

Jake: Yes, I do. I like to play golf. I like to play tennis. 是的, 确实是。我喜欢打高尔夫球。我喜欢打网球。

Linda: That's not a bad idea. 这个主意不错。

Jake: I like to skate. I like to run. Don't I look great? 我喜欢滑冰。我喜欢跑步。我看起来很棒吧!

John: Nice legs. I like your shorts, Jake. 腿很健美。杰克, 我喜欢你的短裤。

Jake: How about Saturday night? What do people usually do on Saturday night? 那么星期六晚上怎么样? 人们通常在星期六晚上做什么?

I like to dance. Do you like to dance, Susan? 我喜欢跳舞。苏珊, 你喜欢跳舞吗?

Susan: No, I don't. I never dance. I usually stay home on Saturday night. 不, 我不跳舞。我从来都不跳舞。星期六晚上我通常呆在家里。