第 43 课:You look terrible! What's wrong? 你的气色很差! 怎么了?

John: You look terrible! What's wrong? 你的气色很差! 怎么了?

Susan: I have a headache. 我头疼。

John: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want some aspirin? 听到这个消息我很难过, 你需要一些阿斯匹林吗?

Susan: OK. Can you get two aspirin for me? 好的, 你能给我拿两片吗?

John: Yes, and how about some water? 好, 再来点水怎么样?

Susan: Thanks. 谢谢!

John: Why do you have a headache? 你为什么头疼?

Susan: Because I have to work with Jake! Linda thinks we look good together. 因为我必须和杰克一起工作, 琳达认为我们两在一起合作看起来很好。

John: What about the sailboat race? 帆船竞赛怎么样?

Susan: It's a great idea. I hope Linda likes it. 一个不错的想法! 我希望琳达能喜欢。

John: Here's your aspirin and your water. 给, 你的斯阿匹林和水。

Susan: Thank you. Enough about me. How are you? 谢谢你。谈论我已经够多了, 你好吗?

John: I'm great. I'm happy. 我非常好! 我很高兴。

Susan: Why? Because you're with me? 为什么? 因为你和我在一起吗?

John: Yes. 是的。

Susan: And? 还有呢?