第 49 课:The sailboats are sailing. 这些帆船在行驶。

Susan: No. I'm not upset, and I'm not angry. I'm disappointed. 不, 我不心烦, 我也不生气。我感到失望。

Carol: Oh, Susan, I'm sorry. Who is she? 哦, 苏珊, 我很难过。她是谁啊?

Susan: She's from KDEN, Denver. 她是从丹佛KDEN 电视台来的。

Carol: What? Denver? 什么? 从丹佛来的?

Susan: OK. l can report on the sport of sailing. Lots of people in Stamford sail. 好。我可以报道帆船运动。很多斯坦福人进行这项运动。

Linda: It's a good idea. 好主意。

Mike: I like it. 我喜欢。

Susan: Thanks, Mike. Ready? 谢谢, 迈克。准备好了吗?

Mike: Yes. 好了。

Susan: The sailboats are sailing. 这些帆船在行驶。

Linda: They're beautiful. 真漂亮。

Susan: I begin the show: "Helo, I'm Susan Webster at the Stamford Marina. You're watching people sail. "Wait. Here's a good picture. 我来开始这个节目:“ 你好, 我是苏珊. 韦伯斯特, 在斯坦福德海湾为您做现场报道。 您正在收看的节目是帆船运动” 等一下, 这儿有一个漂亮的画面。

Mike: The wind is blowing. We can't hear him 在刮风, 我们听不见他说什么。

Susan: That's OK. I can talk to him later. 没关系。我呆会儿跟他说。

Mike: That's great. 太好了。