第 54 课:At the post office? 在邮局?

Rita: Do you have a date? 你有约会吗?

Jake: No, I have a sailing lesson. Where can I buy some medicine? I get seasick. 不, 我有一节航帆课。我到哪里可以买些药? 我晕船。

Rita: Go to Lang's Drugstore. 去朗氏药店。

Jake: How do I get to Lang's Drugstore? 去朗氏药店怎么走?

Rita: Do you have a map? 你有地图吗?

Jake: No. 没有。

Rita: OK. I can draw it. Go two blocks and turn left. 好的。我给你画一张。走两个街区, 然后左转。

Jake: Pardon? Do I turn left at the bank? 再说一遍? 我要在银行左转吗?

Rita: No, don't turn left at the bank. Turn left at the post office. 不, 不要在银行左转。在邮局左转。

Jake: At the post office? 在邮局?

Rita: Yes. There. Turn left there. 是的, 在那儿。在那儿左转。

Jake: Then what? 然后呢?

Rita: Go through the park and around the circle. Then go straight on Main Street to the coffee shop. 经过公园和圆形广场, 然后沿着大街直走到咖啡店。

Jake: How far is that? 到那儿有多远?

Rita: About two miles. Don't go more than two miles. 大概两英里。不要走多余两英里。

Jake: And then am I there? 那么, 然后我就到了?

Rita: No, there's a big sign: Lang's Drugstore. Turn right at the sign. Then you're there. Park your car and go up the steps. 不, 那儿有一个大的标志: 朗氏药店。在标志处右转, 你就到了。停好你的车, 然后上台阶。

Jake: OK. Thanks for the directions, Rita. 好的。谢谢你为我指路, 丽塔。