第 60 课:That's what I want to hear. 这正是我想听的。

Susan: How far is it? 有多远?

John: It's two miles from the station. 离电视台两英里。

Susan: OK. Thanks. 好的, 谢谢!

John: Great. 太好了。

Susan: See you later. And don't smoke. 回头见, 别吸烟了。

John: Right. 好的。

Mike: Linda. What's happening? 琳达, 怎么了?

Linda: I'm nervous about the advertising for the show. I hope it works. 我在担心为这个节目所做的广告, 我希望它能管用。

Mike: Come in. Would you like to sit down? 进来。想坐一会吗?

Linda: No. I have a lot to do. 不, 我还有许多事要做。

Mike: Linda. Sit down. Would you like to talk about it? 琳达, 坐下。想谈谈吗?

Linda: No. OK. I'm nervous about "The Weekend Report. " 不了。好吧。我担心这个“ 周末报道”。

Mike: Don't worry. You have a good show. 别担心, 这是个好节目。

Linda: Do you think so? 你这么想吗?

Mike: "The Weekend Report" is great. “ 周末报道” 非常不错。

Linda: That's what I want to hear. 这正是我想听的。