第 66 课:You should relax. 你应该放松。

Susan: Why? 为什么?

Jake: Because I want to get out. 因为我想下船。

Susan: You should relax. 你应该放松。

Jake: I can't relax. I don't like this. 我没法放松, 我不喜欢帆船。

Chris: I'm sorry you aren't happy. 你不高兴, 我很难过。

Jake: The boat is rocking. I want to get out. 船在摇晃, 我想下船。

Susan: You can't. 你不能。

Chris: Jake, you can't get out now. You have to stay there. 杰克, 你现在不能下船, 你必须呆在这儿。

Jake: I want to get out. The boat is rocking I don't like it. I'm getting out. 我想下船, 船晃得厉害, 我不喜欢, 我想下船了。

Chris: After the show. Jake. 等节目完了, 杰克。

Carol: You have to stay there now, Jake. Three, two, one. Camera. You're on the air. 你现在必须呆在那儿, 杰克, 三, 二, 一, 开拍。你们已经在电视上了。

Jake: Here we are again. 我们又回到了演播现场。

Carol: I love this spot, don't you, Jake? 我喜欢这项运动, 你呢, 杰克?

Jake: Well, of course, Susan. I have a great teacher. 噢, 当然了。苏珊, 我有个很棒的老师。

Susan: We're at the Stamford Marina. I'd like to introduce you to Jake's sailing teacher, Chris Bloom. Chris, can you tell us about the races? 我们正在斯坦福德海湾。我想向大家介绍一下杰克的航帆老师, 克丽丝. 布劳姆。克丽丝, 你能告诉我们关于比赛的一些事吗?