第 67 课:How long is a lesson? 一节课多长时间?

Chris: We have races here every weekend in the summer. This weekend is the big race of the year. 克丽丝: 夏季的每个周末我们这里都有比赛。这个周末的比赛是今年一个大型比赛。

Susan: Can people watch? 人们能来观看吗?

Chris: Yes. But you have to have your own boat or get here before 10: 00a.m. At 10: 00, the boats leave the dock. 是的, 但是你必须有你自己的船, 或是早上十点以前到这儿。十点钟帆船将离开码头。

Susan: How much is a lesson? 上一节航帆课多少钱?

Chris: A lesson costs fifty dollars. 一节课50 美元。

Susan: How long is a lesson? 一节课多长时间?

Chris: An hour. 一个小时。

Susan: Is it good idea to have an appointment? 上课是不是最好预约一下?

Chris: You have to have an appointment. We're very busy. 你得预约, 我们很忙,

Susan: Thank you, Chris. Coming up: some great racing from Stamford Marina. 谢谢, 克丽丝。接下来的节目是斯坦福德海湾精彩的比赛。

Jake: Stay tuned. 锁住频道。

Carol: Linda says you look great together. She wants you to work together more often. 琳达说你们在一起看起来好极了, 她希望你们经常合作。

Jake: Can I get out now? 我现在可以下船了吗?

Susan: Jake, you're amazing! 杰克, 你太棒了。

Carol: Chris, can you come with me? 克丽丝, 你能来一下吗?

We need some information before the race tomorrow. 在明天比赛前我们需要一些信息。

Chris: Sure. Susan, can you help Jake? 当然可以。苏珊, 你能帮一下杰克吗?

Susan: OK. 好的。