第 70 课:At least there's work. 至少我还有工作。

Carol: Your shopping cart is almost empty. Is that all you're buying--some milk, some ice cream, and some cookies? 你的购物车几乎是空的, 这就是你买的所有东西吗—— 牛奶、冰淇淋和一些小饼干?

Steven: I don't cook much. The life of a single man. 我不怎么做饭,( 我过着) 单身汉的生活。

Carol: I know what you mean. 我明白你的意思。

Steven: At least there's work. 至少我还有工作。

Carol: To tell you the truth, Steven, I'm not really happy at work right now. 说句实话, 史蒂文, 我现在工作不开心。

Steven: What's wrong? 怎么了?

Carol: It isn't very interesting. 工作没什么意思。

Steven: I'm sorry you're not happy. If I can help, let me know. 很抱歉你不快乐。如果我能帮你什么忙, 请告诉我。

Carol: Thank you, Steven. That's nice. 谢谢你, 史蒂文。你真好。

Steven: Sure. And now I have a very important question to ask you. 当然。现在我想问你一个很重要的问题。

Carol: What? 什么问题?

Steven: Where's the coffee? 咖啡在哪儿?

Carol: It's in aisle three. Follow me. I need some coffee too. 在第三通道的货架上。跟我来, 我也需要一些咖啡。