第 71 课:I need some tomatoes. 我要些番茄。

Susan: I can't find my list. 我找不到我的购物单了。

John: Do you need the list? 你需要购物单吗?

Susan: Yes, I do. I can't remember everything on it. 是的, 我需要。我没法儿记住上面的每样儿东西。

John: You seem upset today, Susan. 今天你看起来心神不宁, 苏珊。

Susan: Oh, here's the list. 噢, 购物单在这儿。

John: OK. Where to first? 好。先去哪儿?

Susan: Aisle six. I need two boxes of cereal, one loaf of bread, a can of tomato paste, a dozen eggs, and two pounds of meat. 第六货区。我需要两盒儿麦片, 一块儿面包, 一罐儿番茄酱, 一打鸡蛋和两磅肉。

John: Here's the produce section. Do you need any fruit or vegetables? 这是农产品区, 你要水果和蔬菜吗?

Susan: Yes. I need some vegetables. 是的, 我想要些蔬菜。

Susan: This isn't fresh. Don't you have any fresh lettuce? 这个不新鲜, 没有新鲜的生菜吗?

Produce Clerk: How about this? This is a nice head of lettuce. 这个怎么样? 这棵生菜不错。

Susan: It's OK. Thank you. 这棵可以, 谢谢。

John: Do you need anything else? 还要点别的吗?

Susan: I need some tomatoes. 我要些番茄。

John: How many tomatoes do you need? 你要多少番茄?

Susan: Twelve. 12 个。

John: That's a lot of tomatoes . What are you making? 那么多番茄, 你想做什么?

Susan: It's surprise . . . Excuse me? Look at these. They're too ripe. Don't you have any other tomatoes? 我要给你个惊喜...... 请过来一下, 看那儿, 它们熟过头了。你们没有其它番茄了吗?

Clerk: I have those. 那边有一些。