第 72 课:Are you coming back? 你会回来吗?

Susan: How much are they? 多少钱?

Clerk: Three dollars a pound. 一磅三美元。

John: Three dollars a pound. That's too expensive. 一磅三美元, 太贵了。

Susan: They're expensive, but they aren't too expensive. I'll take them. 是贵, 但不是太贵, 我要买一些。

John: What else? 还要别的吗?

Susan: I need a pound of carrots and two pounds of mushrooms. . . There aren't any mushrooms. 我还要一磅胡萝卜和两磅蘑菇...... 这儿没有蘑菇。

Clerk: I can get some from the back. How many do you want? 我可以从后面拿一些, 你要多少?

Susan: Two pounds. 两磅。

John: These apples look delicious. 这些苹果看起来很好吃。

Susan: They look OK. 看起来还可以。

John: What is it, Susan? Are you upset about my trip tomorrow? 怎么回事, 苏珊? 你是不是因为我明天的行程而感到心神不定?

Susan: I want to make you a great dinner before you leave for Denver. 在你去丹佛之前, 我要好好为你做顿饭。

John: It doesn't have to be a big deal. I'm just going for two days. 没必要做大餐, 我只去两天。

Susan: Are you coming back? 你会回来吗?

John: Yes. Of course I'm coming back. 是的。我当然会回来。

Susan: I want you to go on a full stomach. 我希望你吃得饱饱的再上路。

Clerk: Your mushrooms miss. 您的蘑菇, 小姐。

Susan: Do you have any peaches? 你这儿有桃子吗?

Clerk: There aren't any. Peaches aren't in season. 没有。桃子还不到季节呢。