第 73 课:I cooked it too long. 我烧的时间太长了。

John: Hi. Is that your special dinner I smell? 嗨, 我闻到的是你准备的特别晚餐吗?

Susan: I cooked it too long. 我烧的时间太长了。

John: I'm sure it's delicious. Where is it? 我敢说一定好吃极了。在哪儿?

John: Don't worry. . . I'm a good cook. 别担心...... 我是个好厨师。

Susan: Really? I didn't know that. 真的? 我可不知道。

John: Yes, it's true. I can cook dinner in no time. Now, do you have any mushrooms? 是的, 是真的。我很快能把饭做好。那么, 你有蘑菇吗?

Susan: How many mushrooms do you want? 你要多少蘑菇?

John: Whatever you have. And I need a can of tomato paste. 有多少要多少。我还需要一罐儿番茄酱。

Susan: OK. Here. 好的, 给你。

John: Do you have an onion? 有洋葱吗?

Susan: I have these. Which one do you want? 有。你要哪个?

John: The big one. Mmmm. Wait until you taste this sauce. 大的那个。嗯, 等着尝尝我做的少司酱吧。

Susan: What are you making? 你要做什么?

John: Spaghetti. 意大利面条。

Susan: Spaghetti. I love spaghetti. We're missing one ingredient. 意大利面条。我很喜欢意大利面条。我们忘了一种配料。

John: What? 什么?

John & Susan: Spaghetti! 意大利面条。