第 76 课:I want it to work. 我想让它成为可能。

Susan: Were the people at KDEN friendly? KDEN 电视台的人友好吗?

John: Yes. They were very friendly. 是的, 他们很友好。

Susan: Was the hotel near the studio? 旅馆在演播室附近吗?

John: Yes, it was. Do you want to hear about the job? 是的, 你想想听听有关这份工作的事儿吗?

Susan: Oh, John. Don't tell me now. I don't want to talk about it. 哦, 约翰, 现在别告诉我, 我不想讨论此事。

John: I want the job, but I don't want to leave you. 我想得到这份工作, 但是我不想离开你。

Susan: You have to do what's right for you . 你得做你认为是以对的事情。

John: Susan, we can continue our relationship. 苏珊, 我们可以继续我们的关系。

Susan: Oh, come on. I wasn't born yesterday. It won't work. 哦, 得了吧。我不是小孩。这不可能。

John: I want it to work. 我想让它成为可能。

Susan: Long-distance relationships never work. 如果两地分离, 感情从来无法长久。

John: Susan, I really care for you. 苏珊, 我真的很喜欢你。

Susan: Can you just leave me alone now? Please? 你能让我单独呆一会吗? 求你了。

John: Don't throw away what we have together. 不要抛弃我们的感情。

Susan: It's over, John. Please go. 已经结束了, 约翰。请走吧。

John: Susan! 苏珊!

Susan: Please go, John. Excuse me. 请走吧, 约翰。原谅我。