第 78 课:Did you apply for the job? 是你先申请的吗?

John: They offered me a job in Denver. 在丹佛, 他们向我提供了一份工作。

Linda: I didn't expect this, John. Did you decide to take the job? 我真的没想到, 约翰。你决定接受那个工作了吗?

John: Yes, I did, Linda. I'm planning to take the job. 是的, 我决定了, 琳达。我准备接受那个工作。

Linda: Did they offer you a lot of money?: 他们付你很多的钱吗?

John: Yes, but it wasn't just the money? 是的, 但是我并不只是为了钱。

Linda: What was it? 那是什么?

John: The job. 是工作本身。

Linda: Did you apply for the job? 是你先申请的吗?

John: No. They came to me first. 不, 他们先来找我的。

Linda: Why didn't you talk to me first? 为什么你不先告诉我呢?

John: I wanted to hear about the job first. It's a good job for me. 我想先了解工作的情况。对我来说, 这是个好工作。

Linda: Did they give you a contract? 他们跟你签合同了吗?

John: Yes. It's a two-year contract. It's for a new show. I'm the only host and the executive producer. 是的, 签了一个两年人合同。要做一个新节目。我是唯一的主持人和执行制片人。

Linda: I can't believe it. When do you go? 真不能相信。你什么时候走?

John: In two weeks. 两周以后。

Linda: Did you study your contract at WEFL? 你研究过你在WEFL 的合同吗?
John: Yes. I studied it yesterday. I have to give you two weeks' notice. 是的。我昨天研究过了。我需要在离开前两周通知你。

Linda: How can you do this? 你怎么能这么做?

John: Linda, I was never happy here. 琳达, 我在这儿从来没有高兴过。

Linda: I want to see your contract. I don't think you can leave that fast. 我想看看你的合同, 我想你不可能这么快离开。

I have it right here. Did I leave it at home? Where did I put it? 它是放在这儿的。难道忘在家里了? 我把它放在哪儿了呢?